HomeAbout UsStrategic Direction

Strategic Direction

Member Engagement and Value Propositions:

Communicate enhanced member services and benefits
Plan for chapter-based networking events, workshops, and webinars.
Launch mentorship programs and support initiatives for new entrepreneurs
Create a by-invitation Industry Advisory Committee

Education and Training:

Expand educational programs and collaborate
Explore partnerships with governments for apprenticeship programs Explore the option to have a student counsel

Industry Advocacy:

Prioritize and implement advocacy efforts for policies aligned with sustainability priorities
Strengthen collaboration with government bodies and regulatory agencies
Explore public relations campaigns
Establish partnerships with other associations for joint advocacy initiatives

Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility:

Develop and communicate guidelines for sustainable practices, waste reduction, and responsible sourcing

Innovation and Technology Adoption:

Facilitate the adoption of innovative technologies within the baking industry
Launch training programs to keep members updated on technological advancements
Foster research and development collaborations for Innovation in product development and process in Canada and globally


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